Status Reports
Check back here to review progress, project, and meeting reports.
Narrative of Major Activities: November 8 - December 22, 2016
Currents New Media Festival application:
Christine and Jenn developed two proposals for Currents New Media Art festival in New Mexico next June. The Sonic Lab installation would give us an opportunity to revisit the content developed for Experimental Sound Studio in a different context. The Mobile Broadcasting Station would allow us to create the vehicle platform on which substantial touring engagements could be presented.
Sonic Lab - Scottsbluff, NE:
Jenn worked with ten individuals on a Sonic Lab presented at the Panhandle Mental Health Drug/Alcohol Healing Group. The response was overwhelmingly positive and contacts were made for a future visit, possibly this summer.
High Concept Lab Sponsored Artist application:
Jenn and Christine worked to develop a proposal to be sponsored artists at HCL for the spring series in order to secure rehearsal space and time for developing movement, scenic and sonic elements. The sponsorship would also allow us to work with small test audiences on the participatory elements of the event.
Frequency Workout Series:
Christine and Jenn have been developing plans for a Frequency Workout Series - a movement workshop centered around exploring the bodily effects of frequencies. We plan to host these monthly workshops beginning in late March. Venue TBD, or possibly roving.
2nd Floor Rear - Ritual Through Diaspora:
JCSpaceRadio was selected to show a participatory performance for 2nd Floor Rear. Ritual Through Diaspora is currently in development and centers around a live performance broadcast between Thailand and Chicago. The Chicago based component will expand outward from two trunks containing the transmission elements.
First Edit of Oscillations Series Documentation:
A rough documentation reel of the Sonic Lab presented at Experimental Sound Studio was created to use for the Currents New Media Festival application.
UHF Radio Build:
This radio build was begun in earnest. Circuit layout and assembly is currently in process.
Research Topics:
Continued frequency research and began research into Ursula Franklin as a possible Performing Home reference.
Updated recent and upcoming events on website. Additional research and documentation materials added to content pages.
Next Week’s Planned Activities
Physical layout and planning for Ritual Through Diaspora trunks
Work on DCASE Individual Artist Grant
Frequency discussion and track development for 2nd Floor Rear
Contact Panhandle Mental Health Drug/Alcohol Healing Group to solidify interest
Contact Pieter Performance Space, L.A. and other possible touring venues to inquire about future engagements.
Completed Task List Items
Meetings: Jenn and Christine met and worked collaboratively on 11/15, 11/17, 11/29, 12/1, 12/6, 12/8, 12/15, 12/17, 12/20 and 12/22
Trunk Shopping: purchased trunks for 2FR performance
Log Book: created document for recording our mutual work on JCSpaceRadio
QUICK JCSpaceRadio Status –
Environmental Control Group:
Component Status
2-meter radio OFFLINE
Project Debrief WARMUP Build Workshop IDLE
Week Look Ahead:
Monday, 12/26: Individual work sessions
Tuesday, 12/27: Evening work meeting - 2FR cases and transmission, DCASE
Wednesday, 12/28: Individual work sessions
Thursday, 12/29: Individual work sessions
Friday, 12/30: 2FR cases and transmission, DCASE
Saturday, 12/31: Crew off duty
Sunday, 01/01: CS departs